Blood Leads levels in Groups with presumably increased occupational exposure to lead.
E. Kapaki, M. Anagnostouli, D.Xenos, M. Rentzos, C. Athanasopoulou, A. Sirigou, I. Segditsa,
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Vth COMTOX Symposium on Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry of Metals
Vancouver 1995.
Neurological Laboratory Information Systems.
D. Xenos, E. Kapaki, I. Segditsa, M. Anagnostouli, K. Voumvourakis, C. Papageorgiou.
18th ANUAL FALL Symposium (SCAMC).
American Medical Informatics Association
Development of Neurological Computers Networks Fiber Optics (FDDI) on the Desk.
Dionisios Xenos, Vassilios P. Zis, Elisabeth N. Kapaki, Theodoros P. Papoulidis, Anastasios V. Simos.
Automatic production of Statistical data for the Information System
of the Neurological Laboratories
Dionisios S.Χenos, Vassilios P. Zis, Elisabeth N. Kapaki,
Theodore P. Papoulidis, Anastasios V. Simos, Constantine Th. Papageorgiou.
Optical Fibre Network Development of the Neurological department (Clinic and Laboratories)
Dionisios S. Xenos, Vassilios P. Zis, Elisabeth N. Kapaki, Theodore P. Papoulidis, Anastasios V. Simos,
Constantine Th. Papageorgiou.
2nd International Conference of Neural Network and Expert Systems in Medicine and Health Care.
Automatic production of Statistical data Resulting from the Neurological Laboratory Information System. Dionisios S. Xenos, Ioannis Evdokimidis, Elisabeth N. Kapaki, Theodore P. Papoulidis,
Anastasios V. Simos, Constantine Th. Papageorgiou.
2nd International Conference of Neural Network and Expert Systems in Medicine and Health Care.
Determination of Cerebrospinal fluid and Serum Lead levels in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other Neurological Diseases.
E. Kapaki, I. Segditsa, Ch. Zournas, D. Xenos and C. Papageorgiou.
Experientia 1989; 45: 1108- 1110.
Περίληψη της πιο πάνω εργασίας δημοσιεύτηκε στο
Excerpta Medica, section 8: 84(5):258.
Cerebrospinal fluid Aluminum levels in ALZHEIMER’S Disease.
E. Kapaki, Ch. Zournas, I. Segditsa, D. Xenos, C. Papageorgiou.
Biological Psychiatry 1993 :33:679-681.